Flight information from thousands of airports around the world
Here you will find all the information you need for your trip: the arrival and departure schedules for the day, a map of the airport area, a map of the terminals, the current weather and forecast, and other useful information. Schedules are updated in real time.
Our services
Arriving flights timetable
Flights arriving at a given airport: departure airport, planned arrival time, estimated or actual arrival time (if different from the planned), flight status (planned, en route, landed, ...), airline name, flight number, arrival terminal, baggage reclaim tape, and an icon for more detailed flight information.
Type an airport below to see the schedule of arriving flights!
Departing flights timetable
Flights departing from a given airport: destination airport, scheduled departure time, estimated or actual departure time (if different from the schedule), flight status (planned, en route, landed, ...), airline name, flight number, departure terminal, boarding gate number and a button for detailed flight information.
Don't forget to get to the airport 2-3 hours before your flight departs so that you have enough time for all the check-in formalities! Check the latest news on the website of the airline and the airport!
Type an airport below to see the schedule of departing flights!
Detailed flight information
You can get detailed information about a specific flight starting from the arrival or departure schedule. You will find flight status, airline name, flight number, departure and arrival airport, departure and arrival time, possible delay, departure and arrival terminal, boarding gate, baggage claim belt. There are also icons for the airport's full arrival/departure schedule, weather, terminal map, map of the airport area, and accommodation around the airport.
Click the "info" icon next to your flight in the arrival/departure timetable!
Terminal map
Explore airport terminal maps. Find your boarding gate, navigate security checkpoints, and explore all the airport's key locations — restaurants, shops, lounges, and more. Discover the wide range of services that ensure a stress-free and enjoyable airport experience. (The terminal map is not available at all airports).
Click the terminal map button in the arrival/departure timetable, when available.
Weather at the airport
You can access comprehensive, up-to-date weather data for your departure or arrival airport with just one click. Our real-time feed displays current temperature, wind speed and direction, precipitation and cloud cover, equipping you with all the details you need for a smooth ride. Our detailed hourly and advanced forecasts allow you to pack with precision and plan your trip with confidence.
Type an airport below to see the weather forecast!
Map of the airport area
Simplify your travel experience with our map of the airport area. Whether you're looking for pre-flight services, post-landing exploration or convenient transportation options, this comprehensive resource lets you navigate with confidence. Our zoomable interface allows you to precisely plan your route.
Type an airport below to view the map!
Accommodation around the airport
Our interactive map shows a variety of accommodation options near the airport. Discover hotels, hostels and even unique short-term rentals - all with clear descriptions and lists of amenities. Filter your search by price, rating, and desired amenities to find the perfect fit for your travel needs and budget. Book your accommodation directly through our map.
Type an airport below to book your accommodation!
Car rental
Our car rental partner presents a wide selection of vehicles to suit all your needs and budget. Discover elegant sedans for solo adventures, spacious SUVs for family outings, or fuel-efficient hybrids for environmentally conscious travel. Choose from reliable on-site rentals or off-airport locations, all offering competitive and transparent rates. Compare options, filter by services and book your perfect trip directly through our platform.
Simplify your airport journey with our partner's train and bus ticket platform! Whether you're arriving from or departing from the airport, we offer convenient and affordable options for a seamless connection. Discover a wide range of train services, from high-speed express routes to scenic local routes, all with clear timetables, prices and booking options. Discover convenient bus routes with direct connections to nearby cities, perfect for travelers on a budget. Filter your search by date, time and travel preferences and compare options to find the perfect solution. Book your tickets directly through our platform, ensuring a stress-free transition from planning to arrival.
Avoid weather-related surprises during your trip! This revolutionary app helps you have the best travel experience by calculating your route and getting the weather forecast at the same time as you travel. Just enter the time of your trip and the place of departure and arrival, and Navimeteo will show you the weather along the route.